October 24, 2006 - Home made panniers 2 (sev)
Home made panniers. Back home.
We are now back home, and here are some pics of the panniers after the whole loop. (38000kms, with some quite bad roads in Argentina/Chile, India, KKH and China)
As you will notice, it's worth it putting a second piece of aluminium where the pannier is fixed to the bike. As you can see on the first picture (left pannier), the aluminum broke around the washers, on the right pannier (second picture), every thing is fine. The alu was 1.5mm thick.

(Click to enlarge)
The rest of the boxes is ok. They almost look new :).
Back home I am specially happy to see that they where strong enough, and I am now wondering what can I do with all those panniers. Maybe I'll try to make a small table to put in them living room (if Veronique is ok with that...).
Other panniers pictures :
Posted 19 years, 10 months ago on October 24, 2006
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